Our Vision & Mission

Prosperity Place envisions a world where all survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking will be equipped, encouraged and empowered to authentically walk in their Divine purpose.

Guided by our faith, Prosperity Place will …

  • offer an environment that equips sexually exploited women with a safe place to heal

  • encourage these women to find freedom in Christ

  • empower all survivors to discover their purpose

… so that they can authentically fulfill their Divine purpose.


From our Founder

Simply put - to prosper is to move forward.

I’ve learned that in God’s hands, we can prosper in every way – and that’s what we work towards at Prosperity Place. We seek to be a safe haven where women can move forward in freedom.

Many years ago, I remember telling God, “if you can use anything, use me.” The idea for Prosperity Place never came as one big dream or grand gesture, but instead, it arrived like pieces of a puzzle – always pushing me and this vision forward.


Over many years, I began seeing and hearing hurting women everywhere. As a critical care nurse, I treated hundreds of female survivors of exploitation. And as a single mother of six boys, I personally walked uncertain, scary journeys that required me to rely on the grace of God every step of the way.

In this time of listening for God, I’ve been constantly inspired by witnessing transformations and metamorphoses, like seeing how caterpillars become the most beautiful butterflies. I’ve watched the great work God can do in our lives when we help one another, when we listen, and when we have the keys in hand to rebuild our lives – no matter how broken we may feel.

To make more of these transformations possible and reachable guides the heart of Prosperity Place.

In all that we do, we are called to let every survivor know that God loves them and to show them, that no matter what life looks like today, it’s God who can reshape, restore, renew and rebuild. He is willing to do the work… when we allow and partner with Him.

So, through our much-needed, high-quality housing program, resources, and community we are building a home of new life and transformation – a place and organization where all can prosper. As we build this national ministry with a global perspective, if you are moved by our mission, or God has moved you toward us, we welcome your support with open arms.

Let us move forward in freedom together, and let us all truly prosper in His hands.

With gratitude,

Shawn Morgan

Shawn Morgan
Founder & Executive Director
Prosperity Place